Welcome all into our fellowship,
Worship and pray together,
Grow in our faith together.
Serve God's world as caring disciples of Jesus Christ.
Welcome, Worship, Grow, and Serve
Easy to remember. A joyful challenge to live.
Our Mission
Welcome all into our fellowship,
Worship and pray together,
Grow in our faith together.
Serve God's world as caring disciples of Jesus Christ.
Welcome, Worship, Grow, and Serve
Easy to remember. A joyful challenge to live.
Welcome All
And by “All,” We really mean “All.”
Been a Lutheran all your life? Grew up Catholic? Never really been to church? Turned off by “Christians” you see on TV? Believe every word? Have more questions than answers? LGBTQI* or an Ally? Not from around here? Born and raised in WI? Squeaky-clean do-gooder? Criminal record? Recovering addict? Not-yet-recovering? Single parent? Young adult? Widow(er)? Spanish-speaker? Republican? Democrat? Tired of politics? Yup—all of these, and more, are welcome here.
Indeed: We’re already here.
For over 50 years, we’ve centered our lives around the welcoming, saving, serving love of Jesus. If that sounds like something you want to be a part of, please, come and see. We're a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation of the Greater Milwaukee Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
If you’ve ever been on a sports team, helped produce a play, or participated in a musical ensemble, you know the value of practice/rehearsal. Hours spent preparing for opening night, the big game, the winter concert.
That's what Worship is for.
Worship is the center of what we do as a church, because it forms and strengthens us to be the church where it matters – in every moment and in every place we find ourselves during the week.
Lutherans believe we are “saved by grace through faith.” We’re so big on grace, we believe faith itself is a gift. In the waters of baptism, in the movement of worship, in the nourishment of Holy Communion, faith is given.
Faith is a gift. Discipleship takes practice.
In other words: “By the grace of God, you are saved! Now what are you going to do with your time?”
Join us in worship. This is a time where we gather together in community to worship and praise God.
And, if you have a bit more time to invest (not “give” – for this is an investment that pays enormous dividends), we invite you to find ways to water the seeds of faith planted in your baptism. One way to do that is through acts of service. Another way is through study, faithful fellowship, and household devotions.
We have a variety of faith formation opportunities. On Sundays from 10:45-11:45 our young children who attend four-year-old kindergarten through fifth grade gather for learning experiences in Sunday school. Our 7th and 8th graders join together for Confirmation classes and learning experiences and our youth group (grades 6-12) meets the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 10:45. And we strongly encourage households to invest a few minutes (5-15) every day at home for faithful conversation, prayer, and blessing.
If you’re baptized, you are a Christian all week long. Growing in faith and discipleship will make that gift all the more rewarding – for you and for the whole world.
“God doesn’t need your good works, but your neighbor does.”
`Martin Luther
Our mission statement is in a particular order for a very good reason: God Welcomes us through Holy Baptism (not vice versa), God feeds us (physically and spiritually) in Worship, and God invites us to Grow as disciples by sitting at Jesus’ feet and digging into the gift of faith. Then, and only then, are we sent to “Go in peace” to “Serve the Lord.” We serve, not because it’s the right thing to do, or because it earns us brownie points, or because it makes us feel good, or because Jesus told us to… We serve because we see Jesus in the face of every stranger, neighbor, and friend – especially those who suffer. We serve because it gives us the chance to hang out with Jesus in more places than the altar on Sunday mornings.
Our name says it all: We are “Christ the Servant.” Christ the Servant. We serve others because Christ has first served us.
CTS has lots of opportunities to serve our neighbors. We collect food throughout the year (Waukesha Food Pantry) and serve meals and eat with folks who are transitioning out of incarceration (Joyful Souls), living without homes (Siena House), down on their luck (HOPE Center), or trying to emerge from poverty through the Coming Together to Get Ahead (CTGA) program. We provide filled backpacks for students who need them at Prairie Elementary and help make Christmas brighter for children and seniors in Waukesha County (Christmas Clearing Council, Aria of Waukesha, Eras Senior Network). Our Prayer Shawl ministry creates and presents shawls to those in need of comfort or celebration, giving recipients a tangible reminder of God’s presence, care, and love. We give generously to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal and we have a partnership with Reformation Lutheran Church in Milwaukee.
And we’re always looking for more ways to serve. Because Jesus is all over the place, especially wherever there is suffering – and we love to see Jesus from Monday to Saturday, too.